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Living for Jesus in Gulu.


We're a gospel-centered church in Gulu glorify God by making disciples, touching campus, and transforming the nations with the gospel of Jesus. 

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Glorifying God by Making Disciples

Worship with us this Sunday: 9 am

Students having conversation


The University is a place of intellectual and cultural influence that can shape the values and beliefs of our society. Apostle Paul recognized the potential of the university setting when he took his students and "withdrew to the lecture hall of Tyrannus" (Acts 19:9) to teach and make disciples. He saw an opportunity to make disciples in the "university setting" of his day. Today, we have the same chance to share the gospel of Jesus on campus, providing a safe and welcoming environment for students to learn and develop a deeper understanding of God's love and his word, empowering them to live a fulfilling life in accordance with Biblical values and positively impacting society.


God's plan for our lives is not just about us, but about being a part of a community. We show our happiness of being saved by God by loving Him, loving others, and loving our city. We want God's plans to happen in Gulu, just like in heaven. So, we work with others to find new ways to share the message of the gospel and make positive changes in our community and city.

African sunset for african communities.
A person being baptized.


The church is a group of people who are chosen by God to represent Him in the world. Our purpose is to share the message of Jesus Christ on campus and in our city, by making followers of Jesus from all nations. We're to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:18-20). We teach others to do the same, to live a life focused on sharing the good news of Jesus and serving Him wherever they go, even if it means going to the ends of the earth.​

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